Interact with the Front-end

Creating a user-friendly web interface for smart contracts on the Rootstock network can enhance user interaction. Here, we'll focus on using ethers.js, a popular Ethereum library, for connecting your smart contracts to a web front-end.

Project Setup

  1. Create a new folder called frontend and navigate to the directory:
  mkdir frontend
  cd frontend

Note: If you use the quick start repo on master, there's already a frontend folder. You can cd into the frontend directory.

  1. In the frontend directory, initialize a Node.js Project:
  npm init -y
  1. Install Ethers.js:
  npm install --save ethers

Create HTML File

  • Update HTML File
    • In the frontend directory, open the index.html file:
      • Copy the code snippet below and paste it in your html file:
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
          <title>Web3 App with Ethers.js</title>
  • Import Ethers
    • To import the Ethers library to interact with the wallet to the network, copy the code snippet below and paste it in the <head> section of your html file:
        <script src=""></script>
  • Create HTML elements inside the body
    1. Create a button to trigger the function for connecting the wallet.
    2. Create a button to trigger the function to get balance.
    3. Create a div element to show the answer for the address connected.
    4. Create a div element to show the answer for wallet balance.
          <h1>Connect to Rootstock Network</h1>
          <button id="connectButton">Connect Wallet</button>
          <button id="getBalanceButton" disabled>Get MTK Balance</button>
          <div id="walletAddress"></div>
          <div id="walletBalance"></div>
  • Import javascript file
    • Finally, to import the javascript library that we will create in a further step, copy the code snippet below and paste it in the <body> section of your html file::
        <script src="app.js"></script>

Your index.html file should now look like the index.html file on GitHub.

Create JavaScript Functions

  • Create basic javascript function
    1. In the frontend directory, open the app.js file.
    2. Copy the MyToken.json artifact file generated when building the contracts in /artifacts/contracts/MyToken.sol/MyToken.json.
    3. Copy the networks.json file. You can get the file from this link.
    4. Create the function to wait until the DOM is loaded, instance the HTML elements (buttons and divs), and declare some variables:
      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        // Instantiating HTML elements
        const connectButton = document.getElementById('connectButton');
        const getBalanceButton = document.getElementById('getBalanceButton');
        const walletAddressDiv = document.getElementById('walletAddress');
        const walletBalanceDiv = document.getElementById('walletBalance');
        // Instantiating variables
        let provider, account, myTokenContract;
        let contractABI = [];
        let networks = {};
        const contractAddress = 'Replace with your contract\'s address'; // E.g. 0xa6fb392538BaC56e03a900BFDE22e76C05fb5122
  • Add a function that fetches the ABI and stores it in a variable
    async function fetchExternalFiles() {
      // Place MyToken.json generated in artifacts after compiling the contracts
      let response = await fetch('MyToken.json');
      const data = await response.json();
      contractABI = data.abi;
      // Place networks.json to set the network automatically with the checkNetwork() function
      // You can set it manually instead following this guide
      response = await fetch('networks.json');
      networks = await response.json();
  • Add a function that checks the wallet is connected to the Rootstock network
    async function checkNetwork() {
      try {
        // Make sure Metamask is installed
        if (!window.ethereum){
          alert('Please install Metamask!');
        // Switch network
        await window.ethereum.request({
          method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
          params: [{ chainId: networks.rskTestnet.chainId }],
      } catch (error) {
        // This error code indicates that the chain has not been added to Metamask
        if (error.code === 4902) {
          // Trying to add new chain to Metamask
          await window.ethereum.request({
            method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
            params: [networks.rskTestnet],
        } else {
          // Rethrow all other errors
          throw error;
  • Call the fetchABI function that loads the ABI and connects the wallet to the network
    // Get the required data and set the events
    fetchExternalFiles().then(() => {
      // Connect button event
      connectButton.addEventListener('click', async function () {
        // Check the network is set properly
        await checkNetwork();
        if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
          try {
            // Get the account from Metamask
            const accounts = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
            account = accounts[0];
            // Update the front with the account address
            walletAddressDiv.innerHTML = `Connected account: ${account}`;
            // Get the network provider
            provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
            // Get the signer for network interaction
            signer = provider.getSigner();
            // Activates the getBalanceButton
            connectButton.disabled = true;
            getBalanceButton.disabled = false;
          } catch (error) {
            console.error("Error connecting to MetaMask", error);
            walletAddressDiv.innerHTML = `Error: ${error.message}`;
        } else {
          walletAddressDiv.innerHTML = 'Please install MetaMask!';
  • Add a function responding to the click event on the get balance button.
    // Get balance button event
    getBalanceButton.addEventListener('click', async function () {
      // Verify contractAddress is a valid address
      if (!ethers.utils.isAddress(contractAddress)){
        alert('Please verify that contractAddress is set');
      // Instantiate the contract
      myTokenContract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, signer);
      // Check if the contract is instatiated properly
      if (myTokenContract) {
        // Obtains the user balance
        const balance = await myTokenContract.balanceOf(account);
        // Show the user balance
        walletBalanceDiv.innerHTML = `MyToken Balance: ${balance} MTK`;
  • View the Complete Code
    • GitHub Link
      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        // Instantiating HTML elements
        const connectButton = document.getElementById('connectButton');
        const getBalanceButton = document.getElementById('getBalanceButton');
        const walletAddressDiv = document.getElementById('walletAddress');
        const walletBalanceDiv = document.getElementById('walletBalance');
        // Instantiating variables
        let provider, account, myTokenContract;
        let contractABI = [];
        let networks = {};
        const contractAddress = 'Replace with your contract\'s address'; // E.g. 0xa6fb392538BaC56e03a900BFDE22e76C05fb5122
      * Load data from external JSON files
        async function fetchExternalFiles() {
          // Place MyToken.json generated in artifacts after compiling the contracts
          let response = await fetch('MyToken.json');
          const data = await response.json();
          contractABI = data.abi;
          // Place networks.json to set the network automatically with the checkNetwork() function
          // You can set it manually instead following this guide
          response = await fetch('networks.json');
          networks = await response.json();
      * Check and set network automatically in case it is not already done
        async function checkNetwork() {
          try {
            // Make sure Metamask is installed
            if (!window.ethereum){
              alert('Please install Metamask!');
            // Switch network
            await window.ethereum.request({
              method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
              params: [{ chainId: networks.rskTestnet.chainId }],
          } catch (error) {
            // This error code indicates that the chain has not been added to Metamask
            if (error.code === 4902) {
              // Trying to add new chain to Metamask
              await window.ethereum.request({
                method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
                params: [networks.rskTestnet],
            } else {
              // Rethrow all other errors
              throw error;
        // Get the required data and set the events
        fetchExternalFiles().then(() => {
          // Connect button event
          connectButton.addEventListener('click', async function () {
            // Check the network is set properly
            await checkNetwork();
            if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
              try {
                // Get the account from Metamask
                const accounts = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
                account = accounts[0];
                // Update the front with the account address
                walletAddressDiv.innerHTML = `Connected account: ${account}`;
                // Get the network provider
                provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
                // Get the signer for network interaction
                signer = provider.getSigner();
                // Activates the getBalanceButton
                connectButton.disabled = true;
                getBalanceButton.disabled = false;
              } catch (error) {
                console.error("Error connecting to MetaMask", error);
                walletAddressDiv.innerHTML = `Error: ${error.message}`;
            } else {
              walletAddressDiv.innerHTML = 'Please install MetaMask!';
          // Get balance button event
          getBalanceButton.addEventListener('click', async function () {
            // Verify contractAddress is a valid address
            if (!ethers.utils.isAddress(contractAddress)){
              alert('Please verify that contractAddress is set');
            // Instantiate the contract
            myTokenContract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, signer);
            // Check if the contract is instatiated properly
            if (myTokenContract) {
              // Obtains the user balance
              const balance = await myTokenContract.balanceOf(account);
              // Show the user balance
              walletBalanceDiv.innerHTML = `MyToken Balance: ${balance} MTK`;

Run the frontend

To run the frontend, execute a local web server to test the HTML file using the following command:

npx http-server

Navigate to the URL: to test the code in the browser and you should get a result similar to the image below: Smart Contract Frontend

  • Tips: Ensure local hardhat network is running. Run npx hardhat node in the root directory to start the local network. See section on Troubleshooting and Common Errors to fix common errors.
  • Note: You can view and run the complete project from the feat/complete branch. To do so, git checkout into the feat/complete branch, run cd frontend, run npm install, then run npx http-server to view and interact with the smart contract from the frontend.


These tools are specifically tailored for Web3 development, and they can simplify the integration of blockchain functionaity into web interfaces. Here are a few recommended tools and libraries that are popular in the Web3 space, along with brief descriptions:

  • RainbowKit
    • RainbowKit is a React library offering a comprehensive wallet connection solution. It provides a beautiful, easy-to-use wallet connection interface that supports multiple wallets and networks.
    • Why Use It: It is great for projects where you want a seamless and user-friendly wallet connection experience. It's easy to integrate and manage, especially in React-based applications.
  • Web3Modal
    • Web3Modal is a JavaScript library that provides a simple, unified wallet connection modal for Web3 applications. It supports various wallet providers and can be used with different Web3 libraries.
    • Why Use It: If you need to start using React or want a framework-agnostic wallet connection solution, Web3Modal is an excellent choice. It’s customizable and works well with both web3.js and ethers.js.
  • Wagmi
    • Wagmi is a React Hooks for Ethereum set that simplifies interactions with ethers.js. It provides hooks for wallet connection, contract interaction, balances, and more.
    • Why Use It: For React developers who prefer a hooks-based approach, Wagmi offers an elegant way to integrate Ethereum functionality. It makes managing state and blockchain interactions more intuitive.
  • Moralis
    • Moralis is a fully managed backend platform for Web3 and blockchain applications. It offers a suite of tools for authentication, real-time databases, cloud functions, and syncing blockchain data.
    • Why Use It: It can be a time-saver to build a more comprehensive application with backend support. It handles much of the backend complexity and lets you focus on front-end development.
  • Foundry
    • Foundry is a smart contract development toolchain, and user-friendly development environment used for writing and advanced smart contracts testing in Solidity.

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