How to Use Web3 to Interact with Smart Contracts | Rootstock (RSK)
To use web3 and interact with the contracts, we must instance web3
with a provider. To do so we can use the RPC API:
var Web3 = require('web3')
var web3 = new Web3()
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider(config.node))
RNS Registry
Instance the RNS Registry contract:
const rnsAbi = []
const rnsAddress = ''
var rnsInstance = web3.eth.contract(rnsAbi)
var rns =
And include namehash
var namehash = require('eth-ens-namehash').hash
field does include .rsk suffix
Further reading: RNS Registry contract.
Change the resolver
function setResolver(domain, newResolver) {
var hash = namehash(domain)
rns.setResolver(hash, newResolver)
Further reading: setResolver
Change the node owner
function setOwner(domain, owner) {
var hash = namehash(domain)
rns.setOwner(hash, owner)
Further reading: setOwner
Change the TTL
function setTTL(domain, ttl) {
var hash = namehash(domain)
rns.setTTL(hash, ttl)
Further reading: setTTL
Create a subdomain
This is also used to change the subdomain owner.
The name
field is the subdomain inherited from the domain.
function subdomain(domain, name, owner) {
var domainHash = namehash(domain)
var hash = web3.sha3(name)
rns.setSubnodeOwner(domainHash, hash, owner)
Further reading: setSubnodeOwner
Have a look at the Resolve a name and Public Resolver Contract section for further information.